Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Crayon on the Wall

Oh Boy, its been too long since I last posted! So much is going on so I should write! The Easter Bunny hopped through our house on Sunday and brought the girls a variety of things, including a coloring book each and crayons. They have tried scribbling a little, but it is definately a supervised activity because otherwise there is crayon in the mouth. (Which we still cannot avoid even if I'm watching!)
So, right now EG is still sleeping and SK has been awake for the last hour. I got out her crayons and coloring book so I could go online. She colored, did get some crayon in the mouth, and then I heard something 'strumming' the heating vent. Oh yeah, it was a black crayon. It of course slipped off the vent onto the wall while she was strumming. I have a bad habit of thinking 'sassy' things are hilarious, so I think this is adorable, but I must keep a straight face. Luckily I distracted her without making her want to continue (TIP, telling your child "no" or pulling them away from something-like pulling their finger out of their nose and saying no-will only make him or her want to do it more!)
Any tips for getting crayon of my wall???